沈 玮,厉晨皓,钱梦逸,朱 倩,徐秋生*
(平湖市食品药品检测中心,浙江嘉兴 314200)
摘要:食品安全监督抽检是食品安全监管的重要环节,是有效防范系统性食品安全风险的重要举措。本文通过分析2020年平湖市市场监管局采集的1 244批次样品和其中49批次不合格样品的类别、来源和不合格项目,旨在找出我市食品安全问题易发及监督监管的薄弱环节,为政府决策提供科学依据和数据支持。
中图分类号:TS201.6;F203 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2021)05-0113-0006
Analysis of Food Safety Supervision and Sampling Results in Pinghu City in 2020
SHEN Wei, LI Chen-hao, QIAN Meng-yi, ZHU Qian, XU Qiu-sheng*
(Pinghu Food and Drug Inspection Center, Jiaxing Zhejiang 314200, China)
Abstract:Food safety supervision and random inspection is an important part of food safety supervision and an important measure to effectively prevent systemic food safety risks. By analyzing 1 244 batches of samples and 49 batches of unqualified samples collected by Pinghu Market Supervision Bureau in 2020, this paper aims to find out the vulnerable links of food safety problems and supervision in our city, and provide scientific basis and data support for government decision-making.
Keywords:food safety supervision and sampling; food safety; verification and disposal